
My names Stephanie and I am currently 20 years old.
I live in Durham/Newcastle and I am studying to get my basic personal trainer qualification at college.

I have always loved all things fitness related & my dream is to become a personal trainer;  helping people learn live a happier, healthier life style; giving them tips on how to make healthier choices in day to day life & of course getting them a hot body along the way! You only have one body; so why not make it the best body you can get!
I would LOVE to expand & work with brides to be & help whip them into the best shape of their life for their big day! Not forgetting for the honeymoon aswell, everyone wants to feel their most confident while in a bikini! All eyes will be on them!
Another dream is start my own bootcamp; maybe just for women who are too shy/self contious to join a gym but still want to workout & get into shape . It would be an ideal way to exersice without the pressure of a gym atmosphere; while still meeting new people in a similar position and having fun! I always hear women complain the main reason they get put off joining a gym is lack of confidence around the 'regular gym bunnies' & lack of knowledge so this would be the perfect solution. Working out without having to worry about getting sweaty & learning moves/routines you can use on you're own. It would also be a perfect alternative for people who can't afford a gym membership but still want a good workout.

Even thoughI have always been fairly active; doing different activities/sports every night of the week growing up & eating a moderate diet; I only really got 100% into it about a year ago. Just after xmas 2012 I decided to have a life overhaul; both physically & mentally. I was never very happy with what I saw in the mirror & hated how I would get out of breathe quite easily so I decided to finally change that in the new year. So I started going to the gym; learning new routines & finding out what worked best for me & got me the results I wanted. I started paying attention to what I ate & made sure I went for healthier alternatives so I would get the best fuel for my body. I did a lot of research into everything related to health/fitness to expand my knowledge as much as possible & learn how to 'upgrade' myself into the best I could be. A year on & I have never been happier or had more confidence. My level of fitness has improved immensley & I can finally look in a mirror without feeling unhappy. I still have a long way to go; its a long journey but I'm loving every minute of it! Remeber it's not a diet that I'm going just stop after the summer finishes; this is a life style change that gives me the best life I can live.

I started this blog to help share the knowledge I've learnt so far & give my tips/methods that I use & hopefully I can help some of you gain a happier, healthier life aswell

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